Monday, 22 March 2010

save water save life
World is[ today]observing water day .Because water is a vital resource of life.our ancestors had  [centuaries ago ]emphasised the importance of WATER[rahiman pani rakhiye bin pani sab soon,pani bina na ubre moti manas choon]so the modern scholars are  making prophesy of third world war for WATER
unfortunately propensity  of waisting WATER amongst propertied classes has not

reached the propitiatory a result of which west uttar pradesh of India needs 77.18%groundwater but at present only 58%ground water is available.

propertied class amongst

Sunday, 21 March 2010

schools should reach deprived once.

When school will go to the residence of this kind of childrens ?U.P.A. govt is anounceing new schemes.Importing educational instituttions.World Bank as usual has agreed to loan crores of Rs for the development of education in the Country.Nation is spending 3.5% of G.D.P.even then only 15%students are completing xii..On ground childrens are forced[bound]to earn for themselves &their poor  disabled parents.As a result of which schools are of no use for them.Time has come now schools [with job oriented education &enough food for the family ]should reach the deprived once.