Thursday, 20 May 2010

potato[aaloo]condiment water[chatpataa paanee

In my school days we used to enjoy this chatpataa potato[aaloo]condiment water[chatpataa paanee]yesterday after a long gap when i saw this red picther[mataki] waalaa I could not stop my self ¬ only I Tested chatpataa aaloo panee but captured it in camera also

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Takeover Of Congress [Old+Popular++Saleble] Brand

 Gujrat &maharastra day are celebrateted in both states. stages in second state [as usual ] were decorated with many filmi +sports+++ambassadors but ironically first state,s most talked & New  ambassador Mr Amitabh Bacchan is not seen on any stage. jhllevicharanusar this time Mr Narender modi has used bigger ambassador MAHATAM...A MOHAN DAS KARAM CHAND GANDHI. Is It Not A Takeover Of Congress [Old+Popular++Saleble] Brand