Saturday, 6 July 2013

Recognition of labor is paramount importance of Indian Society

I take an daring opportunity to invite [1]Nitish kumar From Bihar [2]Akhilesh  yadav from uttar pradesh and Smt Sheila Dikshit from Delhi and request  ,this Trio ,to change their lenses and use magnifying glasses.
 This trio has been beating drums for the welfare of poor+laborers+downtrodden etc.But Unfortunately poor is becoming poorer day by day.Now Food for security Ordinance has been taken out from the magic box of central  govt.This magic will work ?This question has become hot potato in the media.
Like other many such magical knocks This instant episode is being prophesied as another eye washer only.
  Here I Would like to give  Plight  of paddy  rickshaw Pullars of above three states.
 It Is well-known fact that  a large numbers of rickshaw pullers are   migrating from  Bihar And Uttar Pradesh  specially to  Delhi and Mumbai etc.Even In U P and countries capital Delhi ,Such job seekers are ,visible Hither  and Thither .They Hardly Earn Bread [Without Butter]for their families .They are often paid Rs10/= to Rs 20/=[ 1/5  american dollar].In Bihar AND Easter U P this fare charges  reduces  even to half .
  In This case I may  be permitted to give an examples of small  state of NEW MAXICO of u.s of  America .In Santa F E  Paddy rickshaw is called Paddy Cab[Taxi] And Driver charges one  american dollar[Rs60/=]for one minute's ride. This paddy cab  has gears but puller is educated and knows  the value  of his labor.Govt and society also honors the LABOR. This area is also called INDIA