Sunday, 14 June 2009

money through marriage management

१४६2009 marriages are made in haven but these days interested brides and grooms are brought togather by marriages managers .for this cause big functions nishulk niswaarth [FREE], are organised forms are filled .form fee, including so called magazine and lunch charges,from 301 to 501 Rs are charged .a large gathering can be seen in such functions which establish the need of such functions .
in the function third page socialites ,politicians are made chief the name of donation a large amount is return some social works [ marriages of poor girls]are promised.celebraties,polititions come with their followers give BHAASHAN [lecture]distribute their photo , press noteand gratifications to the media persons and take off.
parrents and guardians gather ,meet each other ,grabble PARICHAY , [introductions],grab magazine,wrestle lunch and leave the grandeur graticule gratefully . at the end managers put down the curtains and leave the place gracefully.
after the function a large number of questions are aired
[1]how many marriages were arranged
[2]what amount was collected
[3]how many marriages of poor girls were arrenged
[4]what amount was expended
[5]what kind of social work was organised
[6]has the account been got audited ?
these questions remains UNANSWERED. so marriages may be made in haven but money is made by managing rishte naate parichay sammelans only.

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