Wednesday, 22 July 2009

kasab trying cool April fool in hot July

kasab trying cool April fool in hot JulyPakistani national Mohammad ajmal amir kasab is a lone surviving TERRORIST of. 2611 attacks .since then he is befooling the Indian democracy in a calm and composed manner. On 2072009 he took U turn and confessed the terrorist activity on 2611.and asked for death sentence. This mercenary is involved in a terrorist activity in which 180 innocent s were killed and 250 injured.
This wordy explosive has naturally shocked the investigators, lawyers, Indians and media alike. This calm and composed confession has been viewed in many ways.
[1] After this confession death sentence [if] is awarded. Mercy petition will be filed and the case, automatically, will go to THANDAA BASTAA like parliament attacker AFJAAL.
[2] After confession death sentence can be reduced to life imprisonment.
[3] Kasab is under pressure
[4] He has changed his confession earlier also. This confession has not been recorded. So he can change his color in future also.
[5]Pakistan has filed charge sheet against 5 Lashkar leaders in the 26/11case now kasab is trying to divert the attention.
[6] In the month of hot July this confession is calm, composed and cool APRIL FOOL

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