Sunday, 2 August 2009

Bail out to private air lines

After public air lines now [8] private air lines are suffering financial crises. To grab a bail package they have threatened to hang on their aero mints on 1882009. Govt.has refused to BALE OUT economic package and decided to act TOUGH. Not to bow and blur this BOA

This stand has made a hole in the unity of private [8] and will siphon .NET. One lakh air travelers on the wings of public carrier’s on 1882009 .this entire drama has put lakh air travelers to preplan their aero flight on 1882009. This screen play has been pen by states NEW surcharge on aviation turbine fuel .this will certainly affect the private carriers skim.
Foot daalo aur raaj karo policy has been adopted by aviation minister praful Patel
Rulers, who followed this policy, left the country 6 decades ago. Now this dividing flying virus can crash the system hence not mandatory. Time is to understand the problem and put 100%and solve it. Jhallevichaaraanusaar
[1]A.T.F. is provided to choppers for VIPs in sealed barrels .once these barrels are opened, balance A.T.F., after stipulated period, is declared and used in lieu of kerosene oil. This practice is followed specially in ARMY .this conversion needs a check.
[2] Air crafts carry near about 50%flight lovers which is only 2%of total lovers.
[3] Procurement of new crafts by public and private lines should be checked.
[4] Expenditure on ground maintenance should be minimized
[5] Air lines should not, REPEAT, not allowed to increase the fare by any means.

1782009It has been told that Indian air lines[AIR INDIA], worth 145crore, are facing deficit in 12[TWELVE]digits and civil aviation ministry headed by of course PRAFUL PATEL is asking permission to float Tax-free bond worth 11[eleven]digits. Air India wants to by 111boeing [American] and air bus [Europe] to make a fleet of 263.planes.
In this connection I would like to quote following JHALLA examples
[1] On 1182009at 10 p.m. 8workers in khaki were sitting out side of international air port [IndiraGandhi] and chatting
[2] In spite of large dress men large number of vehicles was being parked in front of entrance
[3] Dress men remained busy in finding THE OWNERS
[4] Last but not the least in the food court I purchased a THALI for 180/in this THALI I got [a]chapatti=1
[b]daal =4tsp
[c]sabzi =4tsp
[D]pickle =1tsp
[e]salad =2tsp


  1. yes i do agree.reforms are need of the hour

  2. Good post.Thats absolutely true and I fully agree with you.

  3. I think about it is most required for making more on this get engaged private jet charter
