Monday, 31 August 2009

EveryMatter: It's official, CBSE Class 10 exams become optional- Hindustan Times

EveryMatter: It's official, CBSE Class 10 exams become optional- Hindustan Times At present examination system is creating BOOKWORMS[rattu tota]and not inventors .change the system and divert energy towards RESEARCH work.


  1. I think this is a great way to make our education system, knowledge oriented rather that degree oriented. The evaluation of the performance of student through out a year will be more accurate than, the 2 or 3 hours of exam in the end of the year....


  2. This thought is really appreciated....provided the young generation is also given the chance to explore more world through education system rather than just clearing stages and getting busy in day to day life...We also need to have some patent filings, atleast awareness on the same should be there so that more awareness and interest is generated and India move forward in R&D sector as well rather than service sector.
