Friday, 25 December 2009


+Manmohan singh in INDIA& OBAMA in U.S.A.are like[GOOD] SANTAS .ON THIS JOYOUS festival Indian brains working in U.S.A.[working visa]Expects some gifts[from both] in the form of relaxation in the TAX FOR PENSION .ONE WOULD REALISE THAT OUR BOYS GO THERE FOR A SHORT PERIOD AND RETURNS BACK TO NATIVES BUT CAN NOT ENJOY PENSION BENEFITS FOR WHICH THEY CONTRIBUTE IN U.S.A.
technocrats [specially]are[by their m.n.c. employers] posted in U.S.A.for the development etc.of various I.T.projects.during their stay they[boys]contribute various taxes to the U.S.A.govt.[40%n.a.]out of which they enjoy benefits of well developed &maintained roads+hospitals etc. this tax includes pensionery scheme also. it is well known fact that pension contributors can get pension benefits after their retirement only. before their retirement most of contributors [indians]returns to home land .as a result of which u.s.a. govt neither transfer pension liability to INDIAN GOVT nor pay lump sum to the contributors. JHALLEVICHARANUSAAR dr manmohan singh &OBAMA B. SHOULD COME CLOSURE AND ACT LIKE GOOD SANTAs AND OFFER SOME GIFTS TO INDIAN BRAINS .it would certainly strengthen relationship.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

what is going on?

B।J.P.has been entangled in[shri] ayodhya bundelkhandRALODin haritpradesh SHIVSENA in vidharbh LEFTISTS in gorkhaland ASAMES in bodoland .this political[historic] game has overshadowed MEHNGAAI[PRICERISE]+
smugglingof food grains
sugarpricecrisis+chinabordertensionafgaan+pakistanBORDERTENSION+KASHMIRTENSION++++++++++++++++YE KEE HO RIYA HAI

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

universities for specialised subjects

Today parliament has passed Central Universities bill [amendment] with voice vote . opposition parties [even]have voted in favour
kabil sibal more then half hour advocated this bill and touched viewers emotionally.Most members [as usual]absented+ not participated in this[ nation building ]debate. IT IS NOT ,REPEAT, NOT A GOOD SIGN FOR OUR DEMOCRACY some suggestions [worries]are .....[1]85000crores are provisioned [as per kabil sibal] for higher education .will it be expanded in a stipulated period?[2]we have very poor research scholastic rate[165n.a] can universities be year marked for selected subjects ?water+pollution+sanitation+traffic+drought+flood+corruption+parliament etc are many problems +necessity
[3] can political parties issue WHIP for 100%presence in the parliament.
It is said that due to the present parliament system all [tail endears] listed questions remains unaroused,it is due to which, tail endear querist[habitually]absent them self .
jhallevichaaraanusaar in a parliamentary democracy[ like ours] parliamentarians should not repeat not restrict themselves to their question only.they are representing nation and participating in the national house.
central universities for specific +specialised subjects+topics
universities for specialised subjects