Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Women Representation would definitely raise their problems throughout the sessions

Today Is international  WOMEN  day .Talk of the day is EMPOWER  this half population. Honorable President Smt Pratibha Patil Has Decorated 6 women with stri shakti puruskaar.So national,regional and local news papers and seasonal NGOs Are Advocating  the cause in their own manners.So I also request for my submission which goes like this
    Uttar Pradesh,s 16th Assembly has been enriched with 35 women MLA.WHEREAS only 23 were in 15th assembly in 2007.In the house of 403 only 35 chairs for half population can not be termed as appreciable but in comparison with previous statistics this figure's  of  8.68% is 47% more and can be  called as encouraging one.
   No doubt this representation would definitely raise their problems throughout the sessions but this assembly  will miss the experienced members .
  The shape of this 16th assembly has aired a new thought also which I think  should be debated  all around.
   Powerful  Elephant[BSP] rider[Km] Mayavati enjoyed  the supremacy In The House For complete five years but failed to repeat the history of her previobus victory.Firebrand Umabhaarti [BJP]could not scent her Lotus.World fame shrimati  Sonia Gandhi,s hand[Congress]is also burned.
   In the super tech era cycle rider[SP]may not be carrying any lady leader but has transported 20[out of 32]women in the house and this figour is the highest among  all big.
   Now millionaire Rupees question is why  Lady Leadership failed to send proper[%] representation in the assembly.I Think That  ideology, Of all big, is not followed specially in the case of women empowerment ie Bill of 33% representation of women in the Parliament  is still  crying for oxygen of  willpower.
   So I Think Thought Of The Day Is What Ever You WanT To, Whenever You Want To DO  Just DO just DO AND  ONLY Do AND RECOGNIZE THE  IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION OF HALF POPULATION

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