Friday, 25 December 2009


+Manmohan singh in INDIA& OBAMA in U.S.A.are like[GOOD] SANTAS .ON THIS JOYOUS festival Indian brains working in U.S.A.[working visa]Expects some gifts[from both] in the form of relaxation in the TAX FOR PENSION .ONE WOULD REALISE THAT OUR BOYS GO THERE FOR A SHORT PERIOD AND RETURNS BACK TO NATIVES BUT CAN NOT ENJOY PENSION BENEFITS FOR WHICH THEY CONTRIBUTE IN U.S.A.
technocrats [specially]are[by their m.n.c. employers] posted in U.S.A.for the development etc.of various I.T.projects.during their stay they[boys]contribute various taxes to the U.S.A.govt.[40%n.a.]out of which they enjoy benefits of well developed &maintained roads+hospitals etc. this tax includes pensionery scheme also. it is well known fact that pension contributors can get pension benefits after their retirement only. before their retirement most of contributors [indians]returns to home land .as a result of which u.s.a. govt neither transfer pension liability to INDIAN GOVT nor pay lump sum to the contributors. JHALLEVICHARANUSAAR dr manmohan singh &OBAMA B. SHOULD COME CLOSURE AND ACT LIKE GOOD SANTAs AND OFFER SOME GIFTS TO INDIAN BRAINS .it would certainly strengthen relationship.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

what is going on?

B।J.P.has been entangled in[shri] ayodhya bundelkhandRALODin haritpradesh SHIVSENA in vidharbh LEFTISTS in gorkhaland ASAMES in bodoland .this political[historic] game has overshadowed MEHNGAAI[PRICERISE]+
smugglingof food grains
sugarpricecrisis+chinabordertensionafgaan+pakistanBORDERTENSION+KASHMIRTENSION++++++++++++++++YE KEE HO RIYA HAI

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

universities for specialised subjects

Today parliament has passed Central Universities bill [amendment] with voice vote . opposition parties [even]have voted in favour
kabil sibal more then half hour advocated this bill and touched viewers emotionally.Most members [as usual]absented+ not participated in this[ nation building ]debate. IT IS NOT ,REPEAT, NOT A GOOD SIGN FOR OUR DEMOCRACY some suggestions [worries]are .....[1]85000crores are provisioned [as per kabil sibal] for higher education .will it be expanded in a stipulated period?[2]we have very poor research scholastic rate[165n.a] can universities be year marked for selected subjects ?water+pollution+sanitation+traffic+drought+flood+corruption+parliament etc are many problems +necessity
[3] can political parties issue WHIP for 100%presence in the parliament.
It is said that due to the present parliament system all [tail endears] listed questions remains unaroused,it is due to which, tail endear querist[habitually]absent them self .
jhallevichaaraanusaar in a parliamentary democracy[ like ours] parliamentarians should not repeat not restrict themselves to their question only.they are representing nation and participating in the national house.
central universities for specific +specialised subjects+topics
universities for specialised subjects

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Is it a cattle class?

Once intelligentsia failed to locate the difference between swine and human race recently Indian central minister could not differentiate between cattle and man .in what way comments can be offered on these pictures.

Monday, 14 September 2009


India is again celebratimg HINDI diwas +WEEK+PAKHWAARAA[2WEEKS]FROM 1st september to 15thseptember ।BANNERS ARE HANGED+SEMINAARS ORGANISED+COMPETITION ARE ARRANGED ।Even after 62years hindi is still RAJBHASHA and not Raastrbhashaa.Mr H.R.D. has announced Rajbhaasaha a LINGUA FRANCA but could not show courage to declare hindi raastr bhashaa

Monday, 31 August 2009

EveryMatter: It's official, CBSE Class 10 exams become optional- Hindustan Times

EveryMatter: It's official, CBSE Class 10 exams become optional- Hindustan Times At present examination system is creating BOOKWORMS[rattu tota]and not inventors .change the system and divert energy towards RESEARCH work.


Diwali gifts [in the shape of bail package] for jumbo AIR INDIA has now been promised.
Following the roll model America Indian Govt. is learnt to have decided to infuse additional EQUITY infusion +soft loan +extending the CREDIT limit. Committee of secretaries chaired by cabinet secretary k.m.chandrashekar has promised cash strapped national carrier [civil aviation ministry] a helping hand. Although no time limit [package] has been fixed but it is understood that civil aviation minister praful Patel has got pleasant Ganeshaa utsav
If all things go right [1] equity base would rise from 145 crore to 2500 crore [2]loan of 10000crore @5%to 7%repayable over 5years [3]conversion of existing high cost debt of 10000crore into low interest loans. [4] Deviation of credit limit on the purchase of jet fuel
Like America it is mandatory to watch that

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Bail out to private air lines

After public air lines now [8] private air lines are suffering financial crises. To grab a bail package they have threatened to hang on their aero mints on 1882009. Govt.has refused to BALE OUT economic package and decided to act TOUGH. Not to bow and blur this BOA

This stand has made a hole in the unity of private [8] and will siphon .NET. One lakh air travelers on the wings of public carrier’s on 1882009 .this entire drama has put lakh air travelers to preplan their aero flight on 1882009. This screen play has been pen by states NEW surcharge on aviation turbine fuel .this will certainly affect the private carriers skim.
Foot daalo aur raaj karo policy has been adopted by aviation minister praful Patel
Rulers, who followed this policy, left the country 6 decades ago. Now this dividing flying virus can crash the system hence not mandatory. Time is to understand the problem and put 100%and solve it. Jhallevichaaraanusaar
[1]A.T.F. is provided to choppers for VIPs in sealed barrels .once these barrels are opened, balance A.T.F., after stipulated period, is declared and used in lieu of kerosene oil. This practice is followed specially in ARMY .this conversion needs a check.
[2] Air crafts carry near about 50%flight lovers which is only 2%of total lovers.
[3] Procurement of new crafts by public and private lines should be checked.
[4] Expenditure on ground maintenance should be minimized
[5] Air lines should not, REPEAT, not allowed to increase the fare by any means.

1782009It has been told that Indian air lines[AIR INDIA], worth 145crore, are facing deficit in 12[TWELVE]digits and civil aviation ministry headed by of course PRAFUL PATEL is asking permission to float Tax-free bond worth 11[eleven]digits. Air India wants to by 111boeing [American] and air bus [Europe] to make a fleet of 263.planes.
In this connection I would like to quote following JHALLA examples
[1] On 1182009at 10 p.m. 8workers in khaki were sitting out side of international air port [IndiraGandhi] and chatting
[2] In spite of large dress men large number of vehicles was being parked in front of entrance
[3] Dress men remained busy in finding THE OWNERS
[4] Last but not the least in the food court I purchased a THALI for 180/in this THALI I got [a]chapatti=1
[b]daal =4tsp
[c]sabzi =4tsp
[D]pickle =1tsp
[e]salad =2tsp

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

kasab trying cool April fool in hot July

kasab trying cool April fool in hot JulyPakistani national Mohammad ajmal amir kasab is a lone surviving TERRORIST of. 2611 attacks .since then he is befooling the Indian democracy in a calm and composed manner. On 2072009 he took U turn and confessed the terrorist activity on 2611.and asked for death sentence. This mercenary is involved in a terrorist activity in which 180 innocent s were killed and 250 injured.
This wordy explosive has naturally shocked the investigators, lawyers, Indians and media alike. This calm and composed confession has been viewed in many ways.
[1] After this confession death sentence [if] is awarded. Mercy petition will be filed and the case, automatically, will go to THANDAA BASTAA like parliament attacker AFJAAL.
[2] After confession death sentence can be reduced to life imprisonment.
[3] Kasab is under pressure
[4] He has changed his confession earlier also. This confession has not been recorded. So he can change his color in future also.
[5]Pakistan has filed charge sheet against 5 Lashkar leaders in the 26/11case now kasab is trying to divert the attention.
[6] In the month of hot July this confession is calm, composed and cool APRIL FOOL

Saturday, 4 July 2009


  • India is a country of more than ONE BILLION citizens with one national language HINDI and a developing country, contributing majority of business all over the world in I T.
    Unfortunately national language of 1 B citizen has not been recognized by leading I. T. MNC GOOGLE
    I have registered three blogs with google
    [3] [Blog at serial 3 is in English and remaining is in Hindi. I saw a button on my blogs GOOGLE ADSENSE. There I came to know about a way to earn money through ad sense .I took this opportunity and applied .I was suggested to wait .after few days I saw that my request for the said cause has been rejected, stating that MY LANGUAGE of two first blogs has not been included in the list of recognized languages .it is really surprising and
    Humiliating. Languages of countries with small population.
    [Few of them are listed below]

    I would like to take this opportunity to request GREAT GOOGLE to reconsider the list of recognized languages and give due HONOUR to the language of ONE BILLION CITIZENS.

Monday, 15 June 2009

new army for traffic jams

Vanar Sena for Ravana/Jams? Traffic is hazardous atleast meerut jantawould accept this jhalla truth without shy .Hukumaran and jansevaks are not able to see Jams , long lines of vehicles .There is bhagam bhag on every street choraha,loud drums are madly beating on chorahas .Begumpull,garhroad and ghantaghar etc. are underlined.Morning,afternoon and evenings witness Jhagras,accidental deaths,ironically khaddar clads ,suffering ear,eyes and nose problems these poor clads can not see jams ,hear cries and smell pollution.Netas come critise their counterpart and then proceeds to new constitution officers simply goes.Dussehra festival has been celebrated all round .Lord Ram burned effigies of Ravana all over the country efficiently today.Effeminate paper Ravana has been sent to Ram dham effectively. Unfortunetly eidolon of Ravana is efflorescent in the shape of traffic Jams all round, I think that Lord Ram excogitated Vaanar sena against Ravana and because these days elders call their childerns Vaanars(with love,"of course") at school level Vaanar Sena can be trained to manage the Traffic jams . One period can be ejaculated for the course.I believe that ,with the help of parents, this experiment will reduse the elegiac elegy of Jams.If it happens then it will be an Exvoto of this Dussehra.

jamos jhalla1 – 48 48

Sunday, 14 June 2009

money through marriage management

резрекрем2009 marriages are made in haven but these days interested brides and grooms are brought togather by marriages managers .for this cause big functions nishulk niswaarth [FREE], are organised forms are filled .form fee, including so called magazine and lunch charges,from 301 to 501 Rs are charged .a large gathering can be seen in such functions which establish the need of such functions .
in the function third page socialites ,politicians are made chief the name of donation a large amount is return some social works [ marriages of poor girls]are promised.celebraties,polititions come with their followers give BHAASHAN [lecture]distribute their photo , press noteand gratifications to the media persons and take off.
parrents and guardians gather ,meet each other ,grabble PARICHAY , [introductions],grab magazine,wrestle lunch and leave the grandeur graticule gratefully . at the end managers put down the curtains and leave the place gracefully.
after the function a large number of questions are aired
[1]how many marriages were arranged
[2]what amount was collected
[3]how many marriages of poor girls were arrenged
[4]what amount was expended
[5]what kind of social work was organised
[6]has the account been got audited ?
these questions remains UNANSWERED. so marriages may be made in haven but money is made by managing rishte naate parichay sammelans only.